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... and some of it is strictly for mature readers, only.

The Korova Multimedia gothic page contains no nudity or material that could be considered obscene. But there are links to sites that could be seen that way by your community standards. Some of the Web is not only dark, it's downright risqué. Pages linked from the next page may discuss matters of sexuality, spirituality, and alternative lifestyles and practices. These are aspects of adult life that are typically explored by informed, consenting adults; younger readers should seek adult guidance when learning of such things.

Hypertext links to these other sites from the Korova Multimedia site in no way endorses the materials, or confirms the authenticity of the authors. Links on this site are strictly for your entertainment and discussion. The reader must make up his or her own mind about the material, whether to believe it, and ultimately whether to further explore the topics.

In the interests of responsible use of this, our little Web, I must ask that you read the following statements, and choose the one which best expresses your situation and your expectations of what follows. I, David Spalding, and anyone associated with Korova Multimedia*, deny any responsibility for the material that other sites post, and how that material may be viewed by you, your family, or your community. The links that follow are provided strictly for your consideration. You assume full responsibility for how you view the material.

The Crow (film)

Yes, please. I'm over 18 years of age. I take full responsibility for what I download to my Web browser. I do not hold anyone associated with this site ( responsible for other referenced material that may be viewed as offensive by myself, my parents, my coworkers, or my community. I choose to continue browsing.

No, thank you. I'm not qualified to make my own judgements about any mature material that you may link to. My community has rules that govern what I download to the computer that I'm using, and I suspect that I might get in trouble for proceeding further. Please take me back to the top of Korova Multimedia's site, where I can find music and film reviews, articles and other neat stuff.

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