What's New?
- 24 Mar 2002 New changes at ChromeJob.com I've been revamping (if it was ever vamp) my personal site. I've updated the photo galleries, put new links to my current favorite media spins, and so on.
I've also been working on ... marriage ... home ownership ... and fatherhood,... all with surprising success. Lucky me!
- 21 September 2001 Baraka review A newly remastered and transferred version of Baraka has been released. You can order it from my film review.
- 19 September 2001 Hoax du Jour In the wake of the September terrorist attacks, I've redesigned the HDJ home page, and forums, for easier reference to past articles and late-breaking hoaxes.
- 31 August 2001 Hoax du Jour Added a search engine to the "Hoax du Jour" pages, and redesigned the home page.
- 01 August 2001 Updates to the "Hoax du Jour" columns Word Macro Spam 'Bot and Fear of AIDS (Needles)
- 31 July 2001 Hoax du jour 3, count 'em, 3 brand new Hoax du Jour columns. Plus some commentary on the Code Red fiasco. New look coming for the HDJ home page as well,....
- 27 June 2001 Hoax du Jour Updated the Hoax du Jour page about Aspartame warnings, with new links, and added commentary due to popular response.
- 03 June 2001 Updated my old (but popular!) articles on 2001: a space odyssey, "Batman ... Has Left the Building" and Baraka with corrected links for my Amazon.com association.
- 02 June 2001 Hoax du Jour Updates on some of the latest Internet hoaxes and rumors, and new posts to the Hoax du Jour discussion forum "Sightings" topic.
- 31 May 2001 Hoax du Jour discussion forums In an exciting development, the host of this site installed discussion software to provide a forum for chatting about Internet hoaxes and cyberban legends. Some topics allow anonymouse :) posting, but the real fun begins when you register. Try it!
- 26 May 2001 ChromeJob.com Various updates to my other site. ,:)
The Hoax du Jour has news of a "roll your own black out," as well.
- 20 May 2001 Hoax du Jour (December 21, 1999) Updated with the news of eToys.com leftovers bought by KB Toys.
- 12 May 2001 My resume has been updated with old Coast Guard skills to appeal to local high tech firms.
- 12 May 2001 Hoax du Jour Updated with latest concerns about e-mail and Internet scam issues
- 09 April 2001 What's up? Personal State of the Korova address. Updated with Big News, and donuts, too.
- 26 February 2001 Nonstop Anonymous Monotonous Onomatopoeia New words added recently. Someone who could spell well enough to use a dictionary wrote to tell me recently that this section is NOT onomatopoeia. Even cut 'n' pasted from a dictionary. "No shit, Sherlock."
- 26 February 2001 ChromeJob.com Digicam gallery New photos posted to the digicam gallery on my other site. Go take a peek. No salesman will call at your home.
- 18 February 2001 David Spalding home page - Revised my home page, and linked to my updated resume
- 15 February 2001 Hoax du jour Update news on virus hoaxes, real viruses, and the demise of eToys.
For additional information on Korova Multimedia's latest developments, check out What's Up?
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